Birthday Week!

Oh my little squishies! Gather around! I'm so sorry I've neglected you. :(

Life, as you know, has a way of getting in the way and this week was especially hectic, so I think it's time for a photo dump because we all know that reading the actual content of a blog can sometimes be a drag. Gimme more picturez!

My favorite dinner this week - I revisited the spaghetti squash, an on and off love affair of mine, but I'm OBSESSED with topping it with a healthy boatload of Momma Jones' sauce and meatballs. 

I split the spaghetti squash in half, stabbed it a few times with a fork, rubbed it with olive oil, then stuck a garlic clove under each half and baked it at 350 until the skin was soft and kind of toasty. The roasted garlic was perfecto schmeared on some toast and topped with cheese.

I am obsessed with these ginger chews! Janet hooked me up with these two flavors - spicy apple and peanut butter.

And speaking of work - I picked up some picture frames this week that I thought would keep my succulents company.

I'm finding that desk space is getting harder and harder to come by these days, but you know, certain things are non-negotiable desk essentials: Computer, planner, Pencil Cup, Post-Its, plants, pictures, popcorn bowl, no fewer than 3 bottles of water/tea, gin gins ginger chews, my daily bagel/iced coffee/cream cheese/oh-wait-seeds-are-getting-everywhere/it's-time-for-a-veggie-snack routine

Orange is the New Black is BACK! Case-of-Base was here this weekend and we made a chocolate funfetti cake in honor of the show - spoiler alert: some of the inmates get access to a chocolate funfetti cake and it looks delicious so you'll probably want to make some too.

At the Birthday/BBQ/Backyard/Post-Race celebration this weekend! I'm sorry I didn't get more pictures, but I guess it's for the best... I don't want to rub it in... but there were three cakes.

And that's why I've been avoiding you. Food, cake, and friends. Je suis désolée.


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