Confessions of a Suburban Farmer
I understand one does not need acres and acres of sprawling land in order to have a fruitful garden (pun absolutely intended), but COME ON, this is bologna.
Don't be fooled, this is actually a tiny colander. Those tomatoes are your standard sized grape tomato. Why I thought it would be useful to have teeny tiny colanders is beyond me.
Then again, it makes this harvest look quite bountiful.
Do those two baby beets look familiar?
No? Well they shouldn't because I planted them in MAY. That's right, it took three months for those things to grow to the size of a walnut.
They're far to small to peel safely, so I sautéed the greens since they were unhappy about being plucked from the ground and wilting by the second. P.S. It was my first time cooking beet greens ever! I didn't know you could eat the greens, I always just threw them out! :|
And greens from two baby beets makes enough for...
A fork-full.
That's right folks. An entire bite. But, luckily there's plenty more where that came from. The rest of the beets in the garden were too tiny to pick, but there are plenty of gorgeous leaves to harvest, so maybe I'll be cooking up some more greens in the meantime!
They were awesome! A tad on the bitter side compared to kale, but I'm not afraid of a little bite. My sister and I were raised on things like mustard greens and bitter melon... any kind of vegetable that sounds like the exact opposite of something a child would enjoy? We ate it. Asians are parents are relentless.
But, now I have a higher tolerance than most for bitter things and spicy things and strange textures, so I guess my parents were right after all, eating all of that nasty stuff really did build me some character... :/