
It would seem like I've fallen off the face of the planet - and that's kind of true.

I've moved!

Say hello to Charlottesville's newest resident!

It's been a busy few weeks of work, squeezing every last drop of time with some good peeps, and packing!

We had an anniversary lunch celebration at work that was curated in my honor, so naturally we had steak-frites. My favorite flank steak with chimichurri, tuscan fries, pear and provolone salad, and beer-battered cinnamon fried twinkies! Yes, I took a vat of french fries aka snack fries.

There was a pumpkin carving contest at work. For my first attempt at pumpkin carving in quite some time, I did alright. Third place!

Ginger wasn't so sure. 

IKEA trip with the coworkers! Remember this kid. He's going places!

I blinked and boom! It was move day! 

Movers are the best. I got in some last snuggles with the kitties while the movers did their thang.

And since I got here I've been unpacking and adjusting. How do you cook on an electric cooktop? How do you sleep with dinosaurs stomping around upstairs? How do you carry giant boxes of furniture upstairs? How do you assemble said furniture solo?

Well, it's been four days and I'm happy to report I'm still in once piece (filthy, blistery, and exhausted, but in one piece) and so is the furniture!

And this folks, is why I'm especially excited about this being in my neighborhood. See that beach? See that lake? Mine. All mine. Well, I share it with a few hundred neighbors, but you catch my drift. This is kind of my backyard. 

The next two weekends are booked at Joj's Bed & Breakfast, but I'm sure I'll have plenty more to report on as I start eating my way through this city with my guests!


Crista said…
I look forward to reading about your adventures!
Definitely check out Alley Light. Very cool place for drinks.
Cassondra said…
Places for Joj to visit asap:

Shenandoah Joe's- best coffee ever
Christian's- by the delicious slice pizza, anything with avocado is a must
Revolution Soup- served with bread from ABC so you know they're legit
Mono Loco- Fried. Oyster. Burrito.

That's a starter kit. Enjoy and throw a hello to Kate at ABC for Mike!

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