Talking 'Bout My Generation...

Listen folks, I am without an iPhone for the time being and that basically means that I cease to exist in the meantime. I'm simply throwing this update out there to assure you that I'm alive - even though I haven't posted to Instagram in the last 48 hours. 

I can, however, still blog because I've always preferred doing that the old fashioned way - from a laptop. 

Long story short, I thought I lucked out and could waltz in to an AT&T store the Saturday after they went on sale and pick one up. And I did. It was so pretty. So pretty and so much better than my iPhone 4 (may she rest in peace). 

Then, I realized iOS8 takes up a gajillion times more memory than I ever intended to use with my new phone (gajillion is a rough estimate) and I had to give up my cute little phone for one with more space to fill up with my junk. 

Since everyone else was smart enough to realize the 16G would not cut it - I'm on a three week long wait list with all the other goobers who learned it the hard way.

 I'm currently rocking the classic full-keyboard phone with minor flip action. I don't remember how to use it, so it's basically like being in high school again and leaving my phone on silent all the time and forgetting it places so people can't get in touch with me. And photos? Forget about it. 

I'm kind of thinking by the end of this week I may not even want to go back to the iPhone...

HAHHAHAHAHAHA nah. I'll get over it as soon as I can get my hands on it. 

So, this storm of words is basically to tell you that I'm currently making my first attempt at sour starter to make sourdough. I ordered a brotform that's on its way and will be all ready whenever this combination of yeast and awesomeness decides to be ready. And I'd take a photo of this, but you know. (It also looks like a pile of gross mush right now, so it's probably for the best.)

But I found some amazing posts about sourdough and starter from Wild Yeast Blog - check out her recipe HERE (and she's got photos too!).

Other things that are happening: I finally got a circular saw (Thanks Kenan!) and also got my paws on a record player and some old records, so this makeshift studio is coming together in style! (Now that I think of it, safety goggles should probably be my next investment...)

Well, be well my loves. I'll be back before your know it to flood your eyeballs with photo evidence of my life.


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