Help. I'm a Hoarder. :/

In all seriousness, opening my freezer is dangerous. I try to avoid doing it when I've got company over (so now you know why I don't offer you ice) because it almost always results in an avalanche of miscellaneous frozen meats, doughs, and leftovers spilling out that I am hoarding for whatever reason.

I know, I know… You'd think the Harlem Globetrotters would want me. Balancing things is kind of my thing.

As an unofficial new year's resolution a few months too late, I'm hoping to empty this freezer out and start a new stockpiling of frozen meats, doughs, and leftovers… but organized meats, doughs, and leftovers. I'm convinced there is a difference, and no, just organizing my existing junk won't cut it.

What I've always got in my freezer are bananas! I always toss them in when they're getting a little too ripe and I'm too distracted by all of the other food options life throws at us to be eating bananas. True life.

For this recipe, I used a ripe banana, a riper banana, and a frozen banana (left to right). And don't worry, that's ice on the frozen banana, not mold. I have to say, I thought this was a killer combination… you have the sweetness from the ripest and frozen bananas and the texture from the ripe banana.

So, I'm guessing you know where this is going… banana bread! My favorite recipe also features rye flour (which I also keep in my freezer), loads of walnuts and oatmeal - it's definitely worth a try! The rye flour is suuuuch a great flour (learn more about the health benefits HERE) and really gives this banana bread some personality!

I also like texture (chunky peanut butter, orange juice so pulp-y you have to chew it) so I leave my walnuts in pretty big pieces, but you can chop them as finely as you like.

The recipe makes three small loaves, so as fate would have it, I ate half a loaf while cleaning everything up, am gifting a loaf, and the last loaf found its way into the freezer. :/ 

Taking two steps forward and one step back is still progress, non?

Get the banana bread recipe HERE.


Eric said…
I'm calling plagiarism on you for not crediting Aunt Kathy!!
Joann said…
Listen. If you follow through and click on the link provided, Aunt Kathy is all up on that blog post. But you're right, an Aunt Kathy shout out should have happened. The people at fault have been let go. It will not happen again.

Please accept our apologies from What's That Supposed To Mean.

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