Pomegranate Salsa

Pomegranates!!! They're back!!

I love these things and recently found a killer recipe for pomegranate salsa and honey ginger chicken tostadas! I was short on corn tortillas, so I just made the salsa and it's awesome!

And because sharing is caring, here you go:

You Will Need:
Seeds from 1 pomegranate 
1 shallot, chopped finely
Juice from 1 lime
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped roughly
Salt and Pepper, to taste 

Just mix all of those ingredients up!

This stuff will keep well for up to two days - serve it with chips, or on top of fish or chicken! I topped a salad with this salsa and some shredded chicken. Done!

This one's a keeper - I've made it twice this week and it's the perfect nom to go with Monday Night Football and Redskins wins (or more importantly, Cowboys losses). :)


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