A Wedding!

Once in a while friends of mine will fall victim to this little thing called lurve and when that happens, we get the pleasure of reuniting to celebrate this lurve... in Baltimore!

On Friday I scooped up Yerinator and we drove to Baltimore for Leslie & Jess's wedding at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. I hope Friday weddings become a thing because after this first one, I'm now a fan. You get a recovery/sightseeing day on Saturday and an extra day of recovery/laziness on Sunday! It's genius, really.

But back to point of this whole story...

Congratulations Leslie and Jess!

Crossing the street in standing-only heels and red lipstick - probably the most grown-up moment of my life.

Pre-Wedding Sangria! (Get it Leslie) Tara and I spent a fair amount of time obsessing over Casey's wittle baby bump!

The ceremony was unplugged but someone managed to snap a paparazzi photo - can you say gorgeous!? Leslie and her maids!

(Note: Shout out to iPhone for the photo sharing capability because weddings are 1000% easier to enjoy when you're just attending and let your friends do all of the documenting for you - and you no longer have to beg them to send you their photos one by one - HA! I must be showing my age. That's so 2013.)

Yerin took a bunch of amazing photos - this one she took of the reception site. Homegirl may hate children/kittens/people, but she's certainly good at taking photos!

Holding court with Mike and Casey at the reception! 

After an evening of partying, we walked (some of us barefoot - sorry shoes) back in a bit of rain to our hotel where we reconvened for the remainder of the Oriole's game and a drink. And I believe we all got to bed around midnight. Because we're old. And we're okay with that. 

The next morning some of us went to Miss Shirley's Cafe for a solid brunch before saying our see you laters. Their menu is stuffed with words like "fried green tomatoes" and their grits are to die for - a creamiest of situations that involved mascarpone and bacon. Their french toast of the month? A lemon ricotta cheesecake stuffed french toast. I almost fainted just hearing those words put together in a sentence.

Casey jazzed about her sweet potato cinnamon buns. 

This wedding weekend is going to be a tough one to top folks!

Congratulations to the #1 fans of this blog (well, at least the #1 commenters of this blog) - hope you're having a great time on the West Coast! Love you guys! :)


Leslie said…
Yayyyy!!! Joann, you looked FABULOUS in case I neglected to tell you at the wedding. Seriously, Jess and I were sitting at our little table saying "God, we know such gorgeous and attractive people." THIS IS NOT A LIE.
Jess S. said…
CONFIRM. WE WERE IN FACT TALKING ABOUT ALL OF OUR BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS. Yerin did take some great photos, Casey's fetus capsule was adorable, and it was so great to see everyone. LOVE YOU ALL.

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