Ain't Nobody Got Time For This

Let's talk about flight delays because since I've been forced to miss my Welcome-To-Nashville-celebration-of-a-weekend-of-gluttony meal, I'm kind of upset about them. 

That's right, I'd headed to Nashville (eventually) tonight and have a weekend full of feasting (and a splash of fun) ahead of me, so I guess I can be patient. I'm going to need all of the energy I've got to survive this weekend. 

Instead of a pile of fried everything, I got the next best thing. Turns out Dulles Airport is home to a Five Guys now and it's the best Five Guys I've ever had. No joke. Something about that expertly smushed sesame seed bun reminds me of college when we used to frequent places like Five Guys and other establishments that feature food bigger than our faces could handle. 

Le sigh... to have our youth again. 

See you all in Nashville!


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