Oil Pulling - As Strange As It Sounds

As part of Gwyneth's plot to mind-blow the internet this week, her praises of Oil Pulling have surfaced and like an obedient Goop-ie, I fell right into the hype.

So the idea is that you scoop some coconut oil into your mouth, swish it around for 20 minutes and in that time it's supposed to suck all of the toxins out whitening your teeth and strengthening your gums in the process. Or something like that.

As with all Gwyneth-approved lifestyle tips, I'm sure it can't be bad for you, so I basically blindly follow wherever she's leading me. I did some super reliable internet research after my first try yesterday (or you could buy a book on the topic, but ain't nobody got time for that) and it seems like a good idea.

I'll tell you it's not easy. I scoffed when I was reading reviews and some people couldn't do it for more than 10 minutes. No joke. You just have to keep your mind off of it, which is pretty impossible.

Then, I was so traumatized I dreamt about it. Going through the whole 20 minutes, then right as I got ready to rinse, I woke up. Boo. Only to have to get up and do it for real. Verdict is still out on this, but like most twenty-somethings I've got time and this fits in well with my morning internet rounds.

Read up on how to hop on this all-natural hipster bandwagon HERE.


Leslie said…
I read about this and did it for like 2 days last summer. I didn't really understand how it would POSSIBLY work (pull out toxins from your whole body?) so I just stopped doing it because I can't go 20 minutes without either eating, talking or drinking water. (I have a water addiction problem.) I want to know your results.

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