
It's been a week of non-stop celebration!

First stop, baby shower for Ceyda where I ran into my two favorite monkeys.

I painted a little shower guestbook for the party.

The next day, some peeps gathered from work to "surprise" me with a going-away party at my favorite after-work spot - King Pinz!

Dubs made an AMAZING Krispy Kreme doughnut cake!

Haha Dianna being Dianna.

SO much food was ordered/consumed. Everyone at work has heard me go on and on about these cheese fries, so of course they had to happen! Some nights these cheese fries were the only thing that kept me going. And buffalo wings, duh.

The stripes side of the table (and Natalie, who didn't get the memo).

Oy, and then my actual last day happened.

There seemed to be a lot of sand in the store that day because I just couldn't keep my eyes from tearing up at all… strange. I think I kept it as cool as possible, breaking out into solid About Time sobs only a handful of times… What can I say? It's hard saying farewell to these guys! 

Luckily, I survived the terribly emotional day and am so happy to have had the experience of working with everyone! I'll miss y'all more than you know! Thanks for everything!


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