Top Of The Mornin' To Ya!

I'm knee-deep in detoxing right now and quite frankly, I'm surprised I've lasted this long.

First of all, starting on Superbowl Sunday was a huge mistake. The hugest. I was surrounded by heaping piles of buffalo wings and cheesy everything. And not just at work - even the internet was taunting me. A guacamole field!? COME ON.

But I couldn't possibly give up on the first day, so I didn't. I choked down my beet greens soup with a half-smile (and I mean choked - Day 1 of this detox week isn't the most thrilling, but it gets better), while watching Jules nosh on her wings… I did this to myself.

This whole adventure started off with a monstrous shopping trip. I decided to break up the shopping into 2-3 trips. On my first trip, I bought ingredients for the first three days. It adds up QUICKLY.

Every day of this week starts with what Gwyneth calls The Best Green Juice and I was skeptical at first, but this stuff is seriously the BEST.

The Best Green Juice

5 leaves of kale, stems removed and leaves roughly chopped
1 lemon, zest and pith removed
1 large apple, roughly chopped
1 inch section of ginger, chopped

Place all ingredients in a blender with 1/2 cup of water and puree until smooth. Pour through a fine mesh strainer (you will have to do this in parts depending on the size of your strainer) and serve.

Because of my whacky schedule, I have to do all of my prep the night before, so on the first night, I made the green juice, soaked some raw almonds, made the beet soup, and marinated an organic chicken for dinner the next day. Ridiculous.


So there you have it - I survived Day One. I actually spent my Superbowl over a quarter of a roast chicken with asparagus, which was pretty excellent.

(But I was so hungry after that whole beet soup fiasco, a leather shoe would have been excellent.)


Joey Bersack said…
Way to go Jo. Keep it up. You'll last longer than i did on the lemonade detox.

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