Thank You Korea

Every year I think getting the flu shot is probably a good idea. And EVERY year, I am proven wrong.


I don't know why, but I never take medicine. Well, yeah I do. Because it tastes terrible.

This stuff is the closest thing I come to it and it tastes glooooorious.

Thanks Korea!

I bought a jar of citron tea a while back because Yerinator had it in college all the time and I would just drink it because the idea of orange and honey just makes my cells smile. 

But, I'm told it's actually good for you when you're sick. Duh. 

So I've been drinking crazy amounts of this stuff. And it's so delicious! 

I feel like it's kind of like Wild Cherry Luden's... no word on if it actually works, but I'm going to stick with it because it tastes like great! :)

So I spent my sickly Friday evening watching an awesome movie on MotoGP and baking (more) bread. I decided to try my hand at making a Korean bread - you know, the white fluffy cloud kind you see at those ridiculous Korean bakeries?

If only dough rises as fast as those bikes ride. Le sigh. :/

What I found was THIS recipe for milk toast. It was easy enough and yielded a slightly sweet, super soft bread.


Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a pat of butter to spread and a mug-full of orange honey goodness to drink!

Happy Saturday!


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