Dining In!

Lauren and Burgers came over for an impromptu midweek dinner and I whipped up some kale salad, lentil soup, and an apple cake.

Sent them packing with a stack o' leftovers!

I tried Food52's recipe for Perfect Apple Cake. Not bad. Not bad at all. We decided collectively that it would do well to add a glaze or topping on it, but as is, it makes for a perfect breakfast cake to go with tea or coffee. The only changes I made to the recipe were adding a pinch of ground clove and all-spice. I mean, I think if a recipe calls for cinnamon and nutmeg it's only right to include the entire gang.

I wish I could report that my cough is gone, but I've actually gotten worse. :/

I've been told to go see the doctor, but seeing as how the health insurance plan I selected seems to be as costly as not having insurance at all, I'm holding off until I literally start coughing up internal organs. I'm sure it won't be long now.

Instead of investing some $300+ for an unnecessary office visit, I decided to invest my hard earned money in a box of Manischewitz Matzo Ball & Soup Mix (valued at a cool $2.99). 

Because I'm never satisfied, I decided to jazz up the soup with some excitement in the form of some egg noodles, veggies, and chicken. Hell yes. I could have this stuff every day.

Holla at that mirepoix. 

Out of curiosity, I decided to search for a matzo ball soup recipe made from scratch and the total prep time for Ina's recipe is a whopping 55 minutes. Ain't nobody got the time (or energy) to do that. Cutting up vegetables is pushing it in the state I am in.

And this stuff is tasty enough that I'm not interested in attempting to make the real deal (for now). I did cringe a little when I poured in the packet of MSG-central yellow flavoring (is it appropriate to call it chicken?). But whatevs. The idea of making homemade chicken stock has never appealed to me.

As the perfect accompaniment with soup and sickness, I got started on a book that a coworker of mine wrote!

Excited to start this! What an awesome accomplishment!


Leslie said…
This is my go-to apple cake recipe: http://www.joepastry.com/2011/apfelkuchen-recipe/
Learned it in Germany from a real, live German grandma. But I lost what I wrote down. This is the closest I've gotten to the orig. Resist the urge to add cinnamon or nutmeg or anything else. Seriously.
Joann said…
Dude. That recipe looks legit. I'll be trying it tomorrow!
Unknown said…
uuuhhhhh girrrrlll gimme dat matzo! #whatchuknowboutdat #fatfatyumyum

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