Nutella Cookies

I did the ol' babysitting thing the other night for Kenan and his wife because I'm a sucker for Imam Biyildi (his wife makes the best!) and babysitting their kiddos is more like hanging out with little people. Did I lay down the law? Well... I gave it my best shot.

You know how little ones can be about listening.

They don't.

I tried my best to stick to the plan of not giving these guys any sugar, but when you see a giant tub of Nutella, well, there's no way to plan for something like that. It just has to happen.

Easy Nutella Cookies

1 cup Nutella
1 egg
1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp flour
1/2 cup chocolate chips (optional)

Preheat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Roll dough into balls about 1 1/2" across. Place on cookie sheet and press gently on the cookie to flatten it a bit. Bake for 10 minutes.

I told them they could each have one cookie. They interpreted "one" to mean "five."

Le sigh.

And because a glue stick is clearly the only way to properly adhere a paper mustache to your face, this happened.

They're at that age where they think doing the dishes is the coolest thing ever. 
That, I was in full support of.

All chocolate-y messes, glue-y faces, and soap-y flooded countertops aside, they are the sweetest boys.

I got some sweet hugs and some "you're the best babysitter ever" type comments.

Well, obvi.


Leslie said…
You do sound like the best babysitter ever. Whenever I babysat kids if they weren't happy with watching a movie and eating pizza, I did not return to babysit them again. Also those two kids look like real cuties, but a handful.

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