
There is something amazing about being able to mix yeast, flour, salt, and water together to make bread. It's like the coolest science experiment ever.

I found THIS recipe for ciabatta and decided to give it a whirl.

First, I made biga the day before I wanted to make the ciabatta. I actually made it before bed, stared at it for an hour or so hoping it would rise before my eyes... but it didn't. Boo. It actually took the entire 24 hours to get all gross and perfectly biga-like.

The recipe made enough for two baguettes and two loaves. Dang. That means lots of sandwiches in my future... (yesssssssss)


I should have waited a little longer for the final proof before baking, but patience is a virtue that this girl doesn't have. :/

I baked the bread on a plain ol' sheet pan this time, but I happened upon a gorgeous Emile Henry baking stone today that I must have before I try this recipe again (I also found THIS recipe for an overnight ciabatta that sounds like it's worth a try...). You know how I feel about Emile Henry products. I have no doubt this will make my bread come out of the oven singing.


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