Desk Dinner

I went to Costco again today. These trips seem to be more frequent as my list of things I should be doing with every ounce of free time I have seems to be adding up. 

Do I need anything? Sure. Some lettuce. But you know how it is.

There's just something so comforting about opening your fridge and being greeted by a giant block of cheese, ya know?

Le sigh.

And it's at that beautiful stage where you've got so much on hand you eat it with reckless abandon. Not that terrible stage where you're near the end and rationing and googling what the rule is on eating the rind. (Not that I've ever done that before.)

Now it's time to sit down and focus on newsletter writing because somehow Wednesday has crept up on me again. Boo.

So, in an effort to romanticize my life, I decided to make my dinner look like that picnic you probably had while you were out wine tasting this weekend.

Here's a thought that just popped in to my head... since I'm an "adult," I can choose to not put together a newsletter, crawl in to bed with my giant block of Manchego, listen to music and flip through my new issue of Bon Appetit instead, right?

I'll give newsletter writing an hour or until this little splash of wine is gone. Whichever comes first.

Currently jamming to: Phoenix Chloroform.


Leslie said…
I was gonna guess that was Manchego before you mentioned what it was. I'd recognize that beautiful rind anywhere. Love Manchego so much. UGH SO MUCH. SO MUCH, JOANN.
Kristen said…
I'm a little upset you didn't call me for a Costco hot dog date night...

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