
Do you know why I believe in fate?

Because I'm having Chicken Tikka Masala for lunch.


The universe woke up today and patted me on the head and said, "Get it, Joj."

I'm going to back up a little bit because I want you to be as happy as I am right now.

Last night, I made naan. For the sole purpose of making naan pizzas. They turned out well, so I made another batch (well, Matt JoneZ made another batch). Just 'cuz. (Little did I know how important this would be today.)

I also made lemon yogurt cake, which left me with a zested lemon. Another Blue's Clue.

Matt JoneZ also brought over cilantro for pizza-making.

So anyway, I woke up this morning (err... afternoon) and realized I needed to eat lunch at some point, so I milled around and found this!

Perfect for all of that leftover naan!!!

I bought this a while back because I fell in love with the idea of these spice combos. Just enough to make a batch and if you like it, they tell you which spices to use on a recipe card on the back.


Bada bing, bada boom. A few stirs later, I feel like a kitchen boy-scout. 

The only thing that could make this better is some basmati rice... 

Maybe it's not really fate and just being prepared to be awesome... :|

Here's the naan recipe I used! I kneaded some minced garlic into the dough too because garlic is always good.


Leslie said…
Also fate is our delicious dinner and dessert last night.

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