Day Two of Oneness

On Day Two, we got up at 5:30 for a meditation class followed by a Hatha I class.

I expected the yoga classes to be difficult, but I guess if they were it would be hard to take two a day... the classes here are definitely different from the Ashtanga ones I typically take in that it's really more restorative. I can't even describe it. It was just my jaaaam.

After breakfast, Yerin and I decided to skip some lectures and head to Lynchburg for a J Crew sample sale (I think Yerin decided we were going because I was basically one lecture away from giving up all of my worldly possessions, shaving my head, and taking a job in the kitchen in return for room and board there...).

While we were waiting in line to go in (it took two hours!) I kept on the entire time about how "material possessions won't  make us happy..." and "I don't know why we're missing the lectures just to buy things..."

But as we all know, there's nothing like the threat of another woman eyeing the only other forest green cashmere sweater that's your size within your reach to snap you back to reality and make those animalistic instincts kick in like whoa.

Needless to say, one thing led to another and well... you can probably guess how that ended.

Since we were tasting reality anyway (and a four hour shopping trip can induce some serious hanger) we stopped by Yerin's favorite restaurant for some fuel before bolting it back to the compound for our 4 o'clock yoga class.

I think she actually shed a tear when she saw those golden arches in the distance.

While Yerin was feeling as happy as a clam, I was basically paralyzed with meat-eating/retreat-escaping guilt, but that went away as soon as we got back and I tried on all of my new clothes. :|

After another yoga class and dinner, we decided we had been way too productive that day, so we watched some Parks & Rec while I put on my new Italian Leather Pumps and read some Bossypants in bed.

End Day Two: I love things. Especially my new Etta Patent Leather Pumps that I purchased for an unreal $30. I had been eyeing the bright blue version for the longest time, but apricot will most definitely do!

These bad boys retail for $238. So by my calculations... I basically stole them.


Leslie said…
I am super jealous of your sample sale haul. I applied for a j crew credit card 2 weeks ago and the website said they'd let me know by mail within a week. NOTHING. I'M TRYING TO GIVE YOU MY MONEY. HELP A SISTER OUT.

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