A Giveawaaaaaay!

I love you people, I really do. It takes a special kind of person to check in regularly on a blog written about absolutely nothing and everything at the same time. 

So, it's time for another giveaway to thank you for your time (and to solicit comments, cuz y'all know how much I looooove comments!).

This giveaway is going to be one of my new favorite things... Pastabilities' Spicy Hot Tomato Oil! A Syracuse specialty, this stuff is going to be the new Sriracha! If you've had harissa before or remember me blogging about it, it's basically a toned town version of that. Which is still awesome. Think tomatoey-goodness with a kick!

I tried it with bread (awesome), I tried it with salad (awesome), and I tried it with crackers (awesome). But what I'm most excited about is how awesome it is with pasta!

A little bit goes a long way! Dinner tonight was SO easy and amazing! I just boiled some whole wheat spaghetti, strained it, then topped it with two tablespoons of this stuff and some parmesan.

Seriously people! It doesn't get easier than that! And I actually prefer this to regular spaghetti sauce! Not sure I can ever go back now!

Just think - this could be yours! All yours!

For all you people out there with those allergies/restrictions - no worries! Unless you're allergic to tomatoes... then you'll probably want to skip out on this one.

So, don't be shy! For a shot at the grand prize of 15.8 ounces of this glorious stuff, leave a comment below and tell me how you'd put it to good use! No worries, a winner won't be determined based on the answers, I'm just trying to get some awesome ideas out of you people! 

I'll be doing a good-ol-fashioned-name-out-of-a-hat drawing a week from today, so you've got until February 25th to comment!

Or, if you want to be a scrooge and be too cool to win free stuff, you can buy it yourself. But why pay $7 + shipping when I've bought it and will ship it (or hand deliver it!) to you myself?? (And hey, I might even throw in a loaf of some extra special you're-totally-awesome-so-I-make-you-this-challah bread!)

And, as always, there's some legal stuff I must include:

Disclaimer #1: If you're one of those people I haven't had contact with since middle school/high school and are essentially creepin' on me via this blog but never intend to admit it, I don't care! Please don't let that keep you from commenting - I'd love to hear from you! (And I probably creep on you too, like at least three times as much as you creep on me, so we'll just call it even.)

Disclaimer #2: (And I'll probably regret saying this because shipping will probably cost me a gajillion dollars, but...) The same goes for you all of you random folks overseas! Don't think I won't send a jar of this stuff to you lovely readers in Russia, Sweden, or Germany! Happy to do it!

Whoa! Craziness!

Disclaimer #3: No one paid me to do this (I wish they had... hint hint - Pastabilities!). I bought this stuff with my own hard earned cash money and I will ship it to you with my own hard earned cash money. I seriously love this stuff and seriously think you will too.

Disclaimer #4: I really hope you win! Trust me, I get you! I have never won anything before in my life! Not concert tickets, a single game of bingo, or millions and millions of dollars (and yes, that is still a sore subject)! But you can do this! I'm rooting for you!


Anonymous said…
This was the demo at our Wegmans this weekend too! It was good... we had it on ciabatta bread which is how I would eat it! Maybe with some melted cheese on top omnomnom :)

K8 said…
I would pour it into a wine glass and sip it delicately whilst sitting on a patio watching the sun set over the water on a breezy summer evening. Pinky out, of course.
Anonymous said…
I would eat it on a mouse, i would eat it on a house.... most likely spread onto a poptart though. AG
Anonymous said…
I had it on ritz crackers. It was amazing! Give me the oil
Kristen said…
I tried to give up carbs for a day. Then I ate a bowl of pasta. I could have used this today!
Eric said…
I would probably leave it in my fridge until I was moving out of this apartment, then find it the night before and eat the entire jar with a box of pasta. Realize I love it, kick myself for waiting so long to try it and then call you begging for more jars.

So think about that before you give it away to me! (but then give it to me anyway, please!)
Katie said…
Rub it allll over my naked body. Then scream in terror because that stuff is spicaaaaayyyy

I love free things :)
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
I love the stuff, Joann gave me so many ideas that I had to try several of them already. I loveeeee the oil in it, its a bit spicy (which I love)and it mixed well over the pasta and dried tomatoes. Another bonus was the rich tomato sauce that we were able to soaked up with some hot crusty Wegamans marco bread.

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