Take Two

Remember when I talked about going Paleo-ish?

Well, if you had money on that not lasting, congratulations.

A few of us decided to try a different approach and place our bets well... on ourselves. :/

Here's the deal... we had to start somewhere, so we decided to start with white flour and sweets. For every cookie or cupcake we put in our mouths, we have to give the other two $5. 

I made sure to beef up breakfast so that I'd have fuel for the better part of my day.
I sauteed tomatoes, spinach, and some leftover grilled chicken breast with an egg, then washed it all down with some dark chocolate almond milk (so delicious, it feels like drinking dessert!).

The rest of my day went pretty smoothly, I had a skinny california roll for lunch (a california roll without the rice and seaweed, just rice paper) and chana masala and tofu for dinner. 

Kaitlin took control of a potential disaster situation when I gave a slice of cheesecake an inappropriately long stare. It was all good. I imagine giving sweets the cold shoulder will get easier with practice. Then again, some desserts may be worth losing $10 for.

I'm sure most people can just make the decision to give up processed foods and it's just written in stone, but we're more baby-step people... and so far, it's working! 

It has only been 24 hours though. :/


K8 said…
I got your back! No mean desserts are gonna get you while I'm on shift...

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