What To Wear: Holidaze Edition

Holiday parties are my jam! It's nice getting dressed up one in a while and pretending to be classy. This gets easier as you age and your friends start doing adult things like getting engaged/married, owning homes, and throwing house parties (and not the house parties that involve keg stands or beer bongs). 

What never gets easier (for me, at least) is deciding what to wear. I always have an idea in my head, then end up going through 8 - 10 outfits before finally settling on the one I had originally (because otherwise I'd probably curl up in a ball and refuse to leave the house).

For the holiday party I went to Sunday night, I decided on the dress I got from CottonOn and wanted to give you all another  nudge towards purchasing it!

They are currently sold out of the burgundy (oxblood) version I purchased, but have a black and mustard colored one available now for just under $14! Crazy! Talk about balling on a budget!

And this is the sort of thing I'm talking about when I say I won't spend too much money on a trend. You and I both know this lace dress thing isn't here to stay, so this is one of those purchases you won't lose sleep over if you only wear it a handful of times.

(I didn't realize how short the dress was until I saw the photos. Whoops. Be sure to try on your dress with your shoes before leaving the house. :/ I didn't slip on my shoes until I got to the party!)

Man, the monster calves came out in full force. 

The party was lots of fun, Jes and Evan's new home is gorgeous and it seems like forever since I last saw these beautiful people!
Gettin' it on the iPhone 5 with the panorama shot!

Joey and Casey, stylin' as always!

Gosh I love this girl! Just call me Anne Leibovitz. I'm not sure what this piece will be titled after I have it blown up and put on a giant canvas, but I'll sleep on it and let you know.

We found a couch and pretty much stuck to it all night. Because we're awesome and we don't socialize with strangers.

Yerin just got her wisdom teeth taken out on Thursday, so we got some puffy face photos in.
We only make fun of you because we care.

Same goes for you, Bersack. As soon as Joey assumed the ol' man cross legged position, we all called him out for the Burberry socks he's sporting (that most likely cost more than my dress did). 
What can I say? He doesn't ball on as much of a budget as I do.

And you know you're getting old when your idea of a solid holiday party is getting dressed up, having a drink or two, and being able to make it in bed by midnight.

We also had our driver (Joey) take us through a drive through for some fries and frosties. 

Greatest holiday party ever.


Leslie said…
I just bought oxblood nail polish. BANGIN.

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