I Totally Get It Now

Little cuz brought home a kitty she's fostering. His name is Marco. I am in love. I get why people are cat people and why they take a million pictures of them.

Look at Marco sleeping!

What I don't get is how kittens can sleep through such heavy petting/picture taking/ogling. Maybe this one's just a heavy sleeper.

Look at Marco sleeping from this angle!

Poor kitten.

Anyway, I did things other than stare at this fella on Thanksgiving. I started off my day by not moving. I stayed in bed for as long as possible (mostly because the thought of setting my feet on the ground after nine days of work makes me never want to walk again), then got ready and only when I was so hungry I thought I was going to eat my chapstick, I had a piece of toast with swiss cheese and avocado on it. 

Having built a good base for food gorging, I headed over to the Chez Badger for a deeeelicious Thanksgiving dinner (this makes my life kind of sound like a Beatrix Potter book - awesome). The beautiful bird was being pulled out of the oven as I walked in and I swear it was glowing. 

I didn't take any photos because you really can't during your first Thanksgiving meal of the day - too much food to focus on! After a little cat nap (or should I say, Marco nap - har har har) I was off to meet my family for a "Thanksgiving dinner."


Reason #30298402982 why my family doesn't make any ounce of sense to me: they say they don't like turkey. But Asians eat EVERYTHING. How is turkey inedible compared to chicken feet and sea cucumber?? It's not. 

I think there's a not-so-secret hatred of cooking/doing dishes for big family events too, so the easy way out is to go out! We went to Hong Kong Pearl in Falls Church and ate every meat/seafood available other than turkey.

Like last year, I have decided to once again make an after-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner and invite the Asian Invasion (aka, my family) over and force them to admit they like turkey. I suspect that they have loved turkey all along and have successfully played the system so as to ensure a Thanksgiving dinner is made, just not by them, but for them. Blast. I have been fooled again.

Whatevs, at least I'll be able to see this little guy! Look at how happy Stella looks cradling this little kitty. I think I'll get her one for Christmas. She insists she doesn't want one, but may it's one of those no-really-mean-yes kind of things...


Eric said…
Pretty kitty...
Eric said…
I said no such thing...

Brian? Are you behind this tomfoolery?
Joann said…
Always. He's ALWAYS behind the tomfoolery. But he's not tom-foolin' (har har har) anyone!

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