Ball On A Budget!

I've got an awesome site to share with you today! 

Cotton On is an awesome site for clothing, accessories, and home/office knick knacks! (Think Urban Outfitters, but not overpriced!)

They are based out of Australia and just started shipping to the US, so they are offering free shipping for the time being!

It's a great place to check out if you don't want to spend a lot of money on trying a new trend - which is something I refuse to spend a lot of money on... but they also have a lot of great basics for close to nothing!

I bought a few pieces that are all up in the whole Oxblood trend that's big right now...

$10? Ridiculous. I got this in two colors.

Great to pair with a long tunic and boots for Fall. I'm so pumped about this.

And don't worry gentlemen, they have lots for you too!

Hurry and take advantage of the free shipping while they've got it!

For the Online Shopping Addict, it's a nice site because it's not as overwhelming as ASOS is (with their 75 pages of dresses to look through) but it still has something for everyone. 

Shop on, my friends!


Eric said…
Remember that time you posted about how ridiculously out of control your closet has become? too. Wasn't that long ago, either.
Joey said…
I second with Eric...
Eric said…
Also, filed under things I learned today:

There's an oxblood trend.

Who knew?!
Leslie said…
Bahaha I was just lamenting how overwhelming 83 pages of ASOS dresses is.

And screw your out of control closet. BUY.

What are your thoughts on oxblood nails? (Toe and finger)
Joey said…
Oxblood is the lords juice.
Joann said…
Alright. Eric, I have decided that the only way to take care of my out of control closet is to add to it. Here's the logic: if I keep buying things, I'll eventually HAVE to get rid of some of it to save myself from drowning to death Hoarders-style. Also, Oxblood is the new black. Tell all of your friends.

Leslie, I am getting my nails did this week and am TOTALLY getting oxblood-ish nails. It's OPI's Bogota Blackberry. I'm super pumped. I don't really know if it's Oxblood-ish as much as it is a medium reddish color that's perfect for Fall... but it's a good color to try on toes. Let me know if you want to go get it done in Merrifield, I'll meet you!

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