Pumpkin Muffins!

Work has been cray for real and that actually means it has been more running around, paperwork, scheduling, and other not-so-fun things than anything lately, so the other day I bought a can of pumpkin puree after work and I went home, kept my head down and just baked in some peace and quiet. 

Greatest thing ever.

The recipe made a perfect 12 muffins.

I used Smitten Kitchen's recipe: Pumpkin Muffins

And I even sneaked a taste of the batter, which is a big deal because batter/raw dough has always freaked me out. My parents scarred me for life when I was younger and they gave me the ol' "if you eat raw cookie dough/cake batter you will die" speech.

Not so sure about this...

But I got over my fear pretty quickly. 

I guess they never thought I'd make pumpkin muffin batter aka something worth risking your life to consume.

And I obvs had to taste the finished product. :)

Good stuff and the recipe was super easy (I had everything in my pantry besides the canned pumpkin) and if you want to be super evil/awesome, there are a lot of recipes floating around on the interwebs with cream cheese filled muffins (oh daaaaang).


K8 said…
What?! I hope you've at least tasted raw chocolate chip cookie dough!
Joann said…
Haha yes, in college. I had some suite mates that enlightened me. I can't say that I prefer it to baked cookies though... :/
Kristen said…
Welcome to the deliciously dangerous world of raw batters/dough....you'll learn to love it...

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