Cat's Outta The Bag!

Since Meagan got her invite this morning, I can finally share!

We're going to Chicago for a pre-wedding BFF-Moon!

Well, I suppose you need some backstory...

Meagan didn't want your typical Bachelorette Party, so I decided to whisk her away for a romantical BFF-Moon to get her mind off of wedding planning and to celebrate her last days of single-dom!

As it turns out, Hallmark doesn't make cards for BFF-Moons (... I know, I am outraged as well), but it worked out because I actually kept the location a surprise and was able to customize the card as a little "Huzzah! We're going to Chicago!" kind of deal.

The front of the card - the flowers are Martha Stewart super-simple craft stickers. I printed the rest and used an X-Acto Knife to cut out some of the lettering.

Page Two... I really wanted some extra oomph, so I made little elements on each page pop-out, kind of like a mini pop-up book.

Page Three - Hint! Hint! We're going to a city! I also incorporated the flowers on each page to tie it all together.

Page Four... The Big Reveal! I made a little envelope (lots of templates are available online) and made a little card with "Chicago" on it. I also stuffed the envelope with confetti, because nothing is as obnoxious/exciting as being covered in confetti.

And finally, the details... and even more confetti. :) MUAH HA HA HA HAAA.

All in all, I'm glad I couldn't find a store-bought card. This was definitely the way to go.

It didn't take that long (about eight hours) and doesn't require more than a pack of cardstock, lots of rubber cement, an X-Acto Knife, and one or two pre-made scrapbooking stickers (those flowers, the doves, and the airplanes were all store-bought).

Phew, I'm terrible at keeping secrets, so I'm super relieved I don't have to anymore!

I LOVE me some Chicago and can't wait to spend some wedding-planning-free time with this girl!


Kaitlin said…
You need to own your own business, Joj, and make people custom cards with matching cakes.
Leslie said…
I think my feelings would be best expressed in a monologue from the critically-acclaimed movie "Bridesmaids": "What are you gonna go... are you gonna go to Paris with Helen now? What, are you... are you guys gonna ride around on bikes with beret's and fucking baguettes in the basket, in the front of your bikes? Oh, how romantic! What woman gives another woman a trip to Paris? Am I right? Lesbian! We're all thinking it, aren't we?"
Leslie said…
Okay, just kidding. You're an awesome friend and an incredible crafts-woman.
Joann said…
Hahahahahah I looooove that movie. Oh man, gotta watch it again.

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