for the record...

I still hate coconut water.

... and there is nothing natural about coconut water tasting like peach and mango.

After a yoga class that had me temporarily blinded (by all the sweat that was dripping into my eyeballs while downward dogging/pigeon posing - gross, I know) and obviously delusional, I decided coconut water would be a good idea.


I choked it down, drank a ton of water, then ate about a pound of cherries to get rid of the flavor. 

Coconuts need to mind their own business and stick with the Thai stuff. Water has got it under control, it doesn't need coconut's help. Hmm... now I want some Thai curry spiked with tons o' coconut milk... or some COCONUT ICE CREEEEEEEEAM!!!



Leslie said…
no to coconut water. i hate all the drinks. just drink water. there's a study that says unless you're working out for far longer than an hour, all you need is regular water. gatorade and other shit don't help any more than water. plus they often add too much sodium and/or sugar. (can't remember which.) h2o for me.
Eric said…

All the rehydrating power of 24oz of Gatorade in every pill; without the HFCS or other nonsense. And $20 for 100 pills is like buying 120 20oz Gatorades for $0.16 apiece!

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