Trauma and how to deal.

Yesterday was quite a traumatic day. Yerin and I had made plans to take advantage of $5 movie night and the plan was Bon Chon then Snow White and the Huntsman (read: Chris Hemsworth appreciation time).

I decided to take in a yoga class before Bon Chon - my fave Tuesday 6 PM class with the greatest instructor ever, and it's always packed, so I got there early. Yay me!

While I was outside refilling my water bottle, this scooter had made himself a nice spot next to me. Fine. What people don't understand is that yoga time is like library time. I have trouble getting into the zone with a heavy breather or a moaner next to me.

I also noticed his crusty hobbit feet pretty early on. This is an important part of the story.

For reference. This is what hobbit feet look like.

Anyway, so we're nearing the end of the session and we are doing leg stretching exercises and at one point, we're extending our legs straight out to our side. 

As I'm looking towards my feet, I feel the hairs at the nape of my neck being tickled and realized that SCOOTER'S HOBBIT FEET were two wiggles away from being tangled into my hair. 


I disinfected so hard after that class. And the only way to deal with trauma is to eat your emotions, so I headed to Bon Chon to meet Yerin and carry on with our plans. 

We tried the zucchini fries this time - they really looked like mozzarella sticks, but without the cheesy awesomeness, so I peeled the breading off and just ate the zucchini. I repurposed the breading for something more useful, like making fried breading fingers.

Luckily, the Sweet Frog next to Bon Chon is finally open and Yerin had never been, so naturally I shoved her through the door before she had the opportunity to object.

She asked me if I wanted to share a cup. 

Yerin's first Sweet Frog creation.
I'm so proud.


Leslie said…
i want to go to sweet frog!!

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