Pooped. :|

Oy, I'm wondering if dessert will ever go out of style. It seems like we've made enough cake for everyone in the world to have seconds. Work is busy, and just when we think graduation season has given us its worst, it hasn't. Graduation is never ending.

And it's not just graduation... people seem to have birthdays year round. That is ridiculous. People can't possibly eat that much cake.

Rant over. In short, the only thing I've done since Wednesday of last week is work. I am SO tired. Even too tired to blog. :/

Most days this week, I've come home, ignored the baskets (yes, multiple baskets) of clean laundry that need to be put away and just crawl into bed whining about aches and pains until I fall asleep.

Today, I decided I was going to take my life back. I crawled into bed after work and threw myself out of it once I had the strength to, and I went to the gym.

Mostly because I ate this awesome baby honey badger cookie today and felt guilty about it.

I am disgusting. I pulled my shoes out of the trunk (because I never unpacked them) and they're still covered in mud (from Northface race) and sand (from the beach). 

I don't deserve nice things.

But hey! Look how skinny my leg looks when I accidentally snap a blurry photo of it!

After the gym, I was getting hangry, so dinner was soggy chipotle tacos (take out is evil)! Yippee! Nothing like completely negating a workout and then some!

I'm working late tomorrow, so I'm hoping to squeeze in a yoga class in the morning if I can muster up the chutzpah for a Flow 2 class... to be determined.


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