Going No 'Poo

I just happened upon the idea of going "no 'poo," meaning going shampoo-less! Sounds gross, I know, but hear me out...

After wondering how I would ever give up my almost OCD shampoo twice, condition once routine, I quickly decided it makes perfect sense to quit! I frequently kill time in the shower by trying to pronounce the ingredients on the back of my shampoo bottle while I'm waiting for the conditioner to marinate my hairs into an unnaturally wonderful chemically-induced silky smoothness. Nice, huh?

Basically how going no 'poo works is you train your scalp to do what it's supposed to without all of those harsh chemicals! It's supposed to take a few weeks to "wean" your hair off of the chemicals, but the results seem to be worth it.

Once properly weaned, all it takes to maintain your new gorgeous locks are regular rinses with water and a weekly-ish maintenance with some baking soda, apple cider vinegar and a spot of tea tree oil.

I've also been reading a lot about going 'poo-less and everyone seems to be very happy with the results! Lots of people are seeing silkier, more voluminous, thicker hair, tamer hair, less frizzies/flyaways and less/no dandruff. Basically, it makes me wonder why we started washing our hair with shampoo in the first place.

On top of all of that this-is-good-for-you stuff, think of all the money you're going to save! I can't tell you how much I've spent on shampoo in the past (like I said, I always lather, rinse, and repeat). The good news is, that means the bottle I'm in the middle of right now will be polished off in no time.

As soon as that bad boy is dunzo, I'll be starting on my own 'poo-less journey. For a quick how-to and more details on going 'poo-less, click HERE!

In other news, it may be time to get a haircut.


Leslie said…
i read that site you pinned. i tried to wean my hair to washing every other day a few summers ago, but i just could not stick with it. i felt disgusting. i would want to look into why we did start washing our hair to begin with. there might be a good reason...
Kait said…
So did you ever go 'poo-less? Are we going to get an update on this one??
Joann said…
I was just going to say... I got in the shower today and noticed my shampoo bottle was dangerously nearing its end... I'm getting nervous, but I will commit to trying it. It's looking like I've got less than a week's worth of 'poo left. :/

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