work antics

My little Bea-Bee is back from school meaning I have a pee-on again!!!

We were closing Saturday night and I decided I wanted some Pinkberry after work, so little bug made the arrangements. As soon as it turned 9:05 PM, I decided I wanted mashed potatoes instead. So little bug took care of business and got us in before they locked us out. Well done.

Ideally, she would have made me mashed potatoes, but you know how it is with these interns/pee-ons/assistants... baby steps. For now, mashed potatoes from a styrofoam cup will have to do.

Yesterday, we regaled Kenan with a little celebration in the name of AMERICA! For my Turkish friend, who is now a newly minted American citizen!

Congratulations Kenan!

And then (as always) we had cake!

Fortunately, this means we no longer have to drill Kenan about American History/Government. Thanks to our efforts, he knows Ben Franklin better than Ben Franklin knew Ben Franklin.


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