namaste, y'all.

I dragged Socks to his first yoga class today, taught by my fave, Coleen.

Naturally, he ran like 150 miles this morning, weight trained by lifting a building, and yet still managed to school me in his first yoga session while I've been downward dogging for quite some time.

Whatevs. I guess I'm supposed to say that each person is on their own journey or something like that... blah blah blah.

I bring to you the music of MC Yogi... this should help me be a better yogi.

The first comment on that video reads: 

"I remember when I first bought this CD. I meditated that night to this song so deeply, my spirit soared across each plane of existence, and before then I had never known such profundity, humility, and connection to all things, both living and those of the great beyond. It was so beautiful and humbling. When I came back to my body, there were tears of joy streaming down my face."

Dang. It sounds like I'm in for a spiritual awakening tonight. I'm coming for you, Socks. I'm yoga-ing to the MAX.

I'll be Vrschikasana-ing by next week:



Leslie said…
I was just lamenting the fact that my gold's gym has 1 yoga class at like noon and 1 on fridays at 6pm. Those are horribly inconvenient times. Yoga's popularity has really taken a dive.
Joann said…
Agreed! It's kind of a good thing though, the classes aren't as packed as they were back in the day. That's a bit of a plus, especially in a hot room.

I'm actually shopping around for a superb studio at the moment... I'll let you know if I happen upon a gem (or an especially good deal).

Flow Yoga in Leesburg has a student rate of $10 for a drop in class. Might be fun if you want to yoga it up after work one day. (Read: Plow through a yoga class, then have a naan pizza party.)
Leslie said…
I'm sorry, Leesburg? No, ma'am. Leesburg is like 90 minutes from my home.

Cenan's bakery is as far west as this lady goes on a weekday. And this lady tries not to venture out of her zip code on the weekends.

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