A Little Artsy with my Fartsy.

Yerinator and I just signed up for ceramics classes with The Art League at the Torpedo Factory! I'm a little rusty, but I'm excited about getting back into the muck.

They offer classes in nearly everything and their prices are really reasonable. Yerin really liked their photography classes, so we're trying our hand at ceramics this time around. We registered for the throwing/handbuilding ceramics class (!) with Joan Ulrich.

The greatest thing about these courses is that they're taught by working artists, so I'm imagining it will not be as instruction-based, but more creative feedback based, which is good. We are, after all, ar-tist-es. To a certain point, it's not so much technique as it is concept. But don't even get me started on my "everyone is an artist" soapbox.

If you want to register for one of the classes or join us in ours, a course list and registration information can be found HERE. They even offer a class on how to make pop-up books!!

Classes start June 25th, so I have until then to get a good idea of the direction I want to go... I'm thinking something based off of my study of Adrian Saxe (bringing it back to college y'all!). Exploring the juxtaposition (overused art term, my apologies) of refined vs. "unfinished" and the idea of assigning worth/value to a ceramic vessel if it is non-functioning.

By the end of my independent study at school, I was on the verge of having an artistic epiphany, but came up short because college ended and with it, my access to a kiln, clay and glaze-making supplies. Sadface.

These two pieces were probably the closest I've gotten to that epiphany - they're still my favorites. 
Both are finished now, the "L" glazed like the "R"

This pair is actually titled For Dad, I was in the studio one night (as I was most nights) and had kind of gotten into a slump creatively. My mom called with news that my dad had been diagnosed with lung cancer again. I started on the "R" that night. I actually don't remember how I even got this idea in my head, it just kind of happened out of anger, frustration, and a need to make lungs seem playful, not terrifying. I guess I've been trying to chase that kind of balance of meaningful concept and unfortunate accident-proof execution ever since. 

We'll see what this summer course has in store... if all goes well, I'm hoping to find a course on egg tempera painting too. Woo hoo! I can just feel the art pumping through my body again!


Leslie said…
I really loved your ceramics. The Saxe's trio and such. Make more!
Joann said…
Leslie, you are MY JAM. Who still remembers the name of that piece? Probs only you. That's awesome. I am officially making you something in ceramics class.
Leslie said…
Well you had them at the Griffin. Also I looked it up on your art blog.

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