Day One


I mean, it was before, but even more so in this kind of weather. This afternoon was amazing enough to justify the entire trip. I'm getting ahead of myself though. 

As you may already know, I woke up way before the roosters this morning and headed off to Dulles Airport, where I caught a flight to Minneapolis and then to good ol' Madison.

I kid you not, as soon as I stepped out of the plane, the air smelled sweet, clean, and Madison-ish. The exact opposite of the lovely smell of stale coffee so commonly found in airports and on airplanes. The weather was also PERFECT outside. I don't know what I did to deserve this, really.

First stop, Lazy Jane's. Socks decided to hit the ground running when he ordered out of this world (seriously, they're made with croissant dough.) cinnamon rolls, a giant lemon scone of deliciousness, and a chocolate croissant. After we devoured our pile of pastries and attempted to get work done at Barriques, we ended up outside because it really was the right thing to do.

I attempted to get some Gale-time in, but ended up distracted by the gorgeous poppies and the draw of a perfect weather nap.

Of course, as soon as a Gale dream was on the horizon, Socks decided it was time to go for a walk and then dinner. Until we meet again, sweet Gale.

Dinner (of course) ended up being worth the interruption. We went to Jac's, just up the street for an AMAZING dinner. A phenom turkey sandwich (with this cranberry mayo of amazingness) and perfect fries for me, while Socks had an equally phenom sweet potato flatbread. Seriously. Like I said to Socks, I have had maybe a million turkey sandwiches in my lifetime (at least), but this one is the only one I'll want from now on. :( I kind of wish I had never met this turkey sandwich.

Since work clearly wasn't going to get done, we went to go see The Avengers at the Sundance Theater (which, I'm sorry... the hype must be lost on me).

Then, the evening ended like every evening should, with Kitty Appreciation Time!

Squeakers aka WHITE CAT. Lover of pets, belly rubs, and attention. As allergic as I am to these furry things, I can't resist. I'm a sucker for some fluffiness.

Well, off to bed I go, checking out the Chazen Museum of Art on campus tomorrow (and their swanky new-ish addition to the building). Loose-ish plans have been made for the rest of the week, whatever ends up becoming of them, I'm sure there will be amazing food along the way and more gorgeous scenery to go with it. 

Vacations are the best.


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