Viewer's Choice!

It came today!!! I finally made my selection at Warby Parker and two days later, a neat little package came with the frames I selected!

I'm going to need some help on this one, so hopefully I can coerce a fair number of you to leave a comment and an opinion so I can made this decision a little easier. :/ Darn you Warby Parker and your cool affordable frames.

And I have affectionately given each pair a personality, so bear with me.

[drumroll please]

Contestent Number 1:

I am smart, I am opinionated, and I love reading poetry and painting. With my emotions. You wouldn't understand.

Contestent Number 2:

I was looking over your shoulder this morning while you were doing your Sodoku puzzle in pen... AS IF.  Trust me, you should probably stick to the word finds in the Kid's Post. And in pencil. 

Contestent Number 3:

Do you see this empty coffee mug? Fill it. I get things done. By getting other people to do them for me. Also, this lighting is the wrong shade of umber. You're fired.

Contestent Number 4:

Asians are the best! I love math and chess and playing the violin! In high school, I snuck out once to attend an art lecture! I still can't rid myself of the guilt!

Contestent Number 5:

Let me stop you right there. I don't like the term "hipster." It implies that I'm lumped in to some sort of "crowd." I just like wearing thick rimmed glasses, riding my bicycle with one of my pant legs rolled up, and drinking Kombucha. I would do it even if Zooey Deschanel (Indie Hipster Goddess of my Universe) didn't. Whatevs.

I'm going to be honest, all ridiculous make-believe personalities aside, I'm kind of partial to the first and third pair. Do your civic duty! Have a voice! Vote!


Unknown said…
AH! 1 & 3 are my favorites too! 3 is a wonderful everyday pair and then 1 would be an awesome pair for fun.
Lauren said…
1 & 3 for sure... I say go for 1.
Leslie said…
Damn, I was gonna say 1 & 3 before you said those were your choices. I think I like 3 more, but that's mostly because it's the kind I would buy for myself. What color are they? Is there some tortoiseshell in the first pair??
Eric said…
2,3 and 4 are identical.

And #5 is, by far, the coolest. Does it come in day glo neon colors?
Anonymous said…
i feel like they look so much like your real glasses
Joann said…
Haha thanks for the feedback everyone! I agree, #3 is similar to the pair I already have (which work fine, I'm just looking for a fun new pair), so I'm thinking it'll be #1!

And Leslie, oui oui, the first pair is in tortoise shell. It's gorge.

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