One Roast, Four Meals.

We're taking eating well to the next level! On my day off the other day, I gathered a lot of vegetables - you can use anything you like, I always like to have squash in the mix, onions, mushrooms, eggplant... whatever you have! (This recipe is going to especially come in handy in a few months when your garden is overflowing with squash and you have no idea what to do with it all.)

I roasted two giant pans full of veggies cut into bite sized pieces, a job that only takes very little prep, a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper, and about 1 hour of roasting time (at 350) and then voila! Enough veggies to last you an entire week!

For this specific roast, I used about 4 chinese eggplant, 6 zucchini, 1 package of baby bella mushrooms, and one large onion. I also threw in some garlic cloves for good measure. You can always play around with this recipe. Sometimes I'll add different herbs to it (depending on what I have on hand) and crushed red pepper is always a good addition!

Anyone following me on Instagram is probably sick of all the roasted veggie meals I've been posting this week, but surprisingly, I'm not sick of eating them yet.

Day 1: I used the roasted veggies as a side dish for dinner. I pan seared some pollack - an especially fishy white fish, under appreciated, budget friendly, and pairs really well with a white wine. Topped the fish off with some fresh tomatoes, basil, and a splash of olive oil. 

Day 2: I made a sandwich! Toasted some whole wheat bread, slathered some horseradish mustard on one side, some cheese on the other, then threw the roasted veggies in with some spinach leaves. Made a little spinach salad on the side with some tomatoes and goat cheese and a balsamic vinaigrette. Easy!

Day 3 (this morning): Omelet time! This isn't your typical restaurant omelet! I cut down the ridiculosity by using two eggs, one piece of toast and blackberries instead of home fries. I'm no mathematician, but that saves you like 100,000 calories compared to a restaurant omelet. And it was just as filling! I used the roasted veggies, added fresh spinach, roasted red peppers, and goat cheese.

Day 4 (tomorrow): This obviously hasn't happened yet, but with the last of this batch of veggies, yep, you guessed it! Naan Pizza! 

So, no excuses for not being able to incorporate vegetables in your diet! I've just given you a handful of ways on how to do it!


Leslie said…
In a nutshell, what's the difference between Chinese eggplant and "regular" eggplant?
Joann said…
GREAT QUESTION! Most obvious, the shape. Chinese Eggplant (compared to Italian Eggplant) is longer and narrower. The seeds are not as prevalent and the skin is not as thick (in my opinion).

I think what turns me off of Italian Eggplant are all the seeds, not that I don't like Italian Eggplant, but you know, there's a time and a place for everything.

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