call to action day

We had a kick off event at work the other day for Eat Well Live Well and by 8 AM, I remembered what being in college felt like.

I had been up into the wee hours of the morning putting the finishing touches on the first EWLW newsletter, which is my own fault... but having a kick off event the next day meant having to set up for the event and register people all day - which meant I had to look/act alive and sell it like I meant it!

It was clearly going to be a long day.

We set up tables in the break room and them went all prom-committee on the place - we threw up streamers everywhere, had music blasting, basically everything short of spiking the punch bowl (which, in retrospect, may have gotten more people to register). 

Our EWLW snack station.

Had my first person register. Score.

We broke out the ol' peas and carrot outfits to do some guerrilla recruiting on the sales floor.

We ended up getting over 100 people to register! Registration isn't over, so if anyone's interested in joining, just let me know! The challenge officially starts April 22nd!

Got an awesome fortune during lunch. 

Could my fondest dream be having the greatest/biggest EWLW team in the history of ever?
Yes, yes it could very well be. Muah ha ha ha haaaaaa.


Kaitlin said…
I'd like a fortune that says "Your fondue dreams will come true."
K8 said…
Also, you guys did a great job. Your set up was awesome!

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