Running With Scissors

91 Days to go until our half marathon!

We went on a group run this morning and I got to go this time since I didn't have work until later in the day (woohoo...). Haha, no, I'm glad I got to participate... until my legs decided to start feeling like they were falling apart, then I wasn't so glad.

But at least I got out there, right? :/

I'm currently icing my legs and hoping to rid myself of this pain. I also learned that my Nike Plus app wasn't calibrated properly, so I've been given a little (read: a huge) advantage since I've had the app. Turns out, I really can't run 6 miles in under an hour.

It's been a rough day for the ol' ego. But it'll be alright, I'll get there.

The running crew also surprised Joey with a little birthday cake since he'll be in Chicago for his actual birthday next weekend.

I whipped up a graham cracker torte with ganache and Grand Marnier Truffles for the occasion, because while I recognize that Joey's favorite cake is Funfetti, I decided that it's time for him to face the music. Funfetti is for the birds! Grown-ups eat truffles laced with liqueur!

MJ also brought over pasties from Pure Pasty Co. in Vienna, check out their website HERE! Their pasties are SO good, and I'm always super excited about introducing peeps to this place. I knew MJ was bringing these things over, but I still squealed like a 12 year old girl about to meet Justin Bieber when he showed up with a giant bag of pasties! YIPPEEEEE!!!

Lauren with her Traditional Pasty!

It's been an awesome weekend so far with these crazy kids!


Lauren said…
Probably one of my favorite posts of yours! Haha! RUNNING WITH SCISSORS!!!!!!

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