Monday, Monday

The most gorgeous day ever was spent in the trunk of Dubs' car with some Sweet Frog...

I hit up the classic with strawberries, pineapple, and kiwi. Always.

We tailgated, sung along to some country songs, and ate fro yo like champions!

This, of course, was after we had lunch with this lady:


... AG's twin, Coco from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.

We went to lunch at Bon Chon, because I had been raving about their fried chicken and french fries since Yerin took me weeks ago, and they weren't disappointed!

For future reference, the onion rings are Ah-Mah-Zing.

Obviously in awe of the crispiness.

And that's where the Fro Yo came into the picture, AG had her heart set on Sweet Frog, so we found it, and conquered. It's safe to say that weather like this is going to mean some serious amount of Fro Yo in my future...

After stuffing myself like a monster, it only made sense to get a sensible workout in, so I spent some time on the stair climber, then tried a mile on the treadmill - and I ended up doing 2 miles comfortably-ish! They were probably the slowest miles in the history of the world, but I decided not to push it. We'll see how things go tomorrow. 

I just found an awesome documentary on Hulu, The Striking Truth, featuring everyone's favorite Canadian, Georges St. Pierre, so I'm currently watching that... and I'm fairly confident that by the time I'm done with this documentary, I'll probs be embarking on a night run with tires strapped to me. You know, it's what GSP would do. Check out the documentary HERE

<3 GSP.


Leslie said…
I love Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends!
Joann said…
ME TOO!!! I must say, my fave character is Cheese. I feel like Cheese and I are kindred spirits.
Leslie said…

I always enjoyed Franky.
Kristen said…
I'd be mad about you putting up that terrible picture of me if that chicken wasn't So. Freakin. Delish.

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