Babysitting CHAMPION

I am amazing at doing the following three things:

1. Feeding people
2. Watching movies
3. Hanging out

I think I've found my calling in life.

I watched Kenan's kids twice this week and it's taught me a lot about myself. The first day of babysitting, I went over to their house, where we rode bikes, ate mac & cheese, watched Toy Story 3, and then colored. I was SO good at it. I am a babysitting champion.

We opened up a bike shop...

I'm fairly certain the little one and I are soul mates. We're both obsessed with coloring and food. BFFs.

Two days ago, I offered up my babysitting services again and decided to invite the boys over to my house this time. I gussied up the bachelor pad Martha style, filling little apothecary jars with M&Ms, chocolate covered sunflower seeds, and loads of other candy! I laid out some plain cupcakes on the kitchen counter, a tube of icing, lots of sprinkles, and cookie cutters.

They're 3 and 5 years old. They couldn't have cared less about the apothecary jars. I don't know what I was thinking.

I know most of you are shaking your heads and thinking, "oooooh joj... you have no idea what you have just done... all that sugar? REALLY??"

Well, you'd be right. Within 10 minutes, we were all covered in chocolate icing and sprinkles and I reached out to Dubs to see if she would be free to stop by. She speaks child so she's a pro at this kind of stuff.

Two more minutes later, when the nerd candies started flying everywhere and the sugar was starting to pump through their system, I was no longer asking Dubs if she was free, I was telling her she was.

She showed up shortly after, and from then on, the rest of the evening went rather smoothly. We had a pretty effective system... she entertained them (wowing them with her cookie dough making skills) and I cleaned up after them, around them, underneath them, and overtop of them.

Man, two kids are a two-person job. We honestly could have probably used a third play bad-cop. I caved and let this cuteness eat his cupcake before he was done with his dinner. I'm a terrible negotiator.

It's my first week though, gimme a break.

This week, I discovered I'm also especially amazing at:

1. Caving (sure, you can have cookies AND cupcakes!)
2. Cleaning (it became necessary for our safety/survival.)
3. Returning kids to their owners hopped up on sugar (... whoops.)

Despite the fun/crazy chaos that was going on, I did have fun. It's nice to hang out with little kids sometimes, they're so easily amused. As soon as they were out the door, Dubs and I decided we deserved a little reward, so we sipped sangria and took in an episode of Mad Men.

Out of a glass solo cup. Classy.


Kaitlin said…
I find the line "Return kids to their owners" extremely hilarious...Well played...

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