Playing Games

One of these things is not like the other…

Listen. The thing about Costco's french fries is that they're just the greatest fries ever. They shouldn't even be called fries. I mean, yes, they are fried, but they really taste like crispy with a pocket of wonderful mashed potato inside… Mmmm. I'm also riding on a hunch that they might roll their fries in some sort of flour/seasoning to get that wonderful crisp/flavor on the outside of them. Which kind of terrifies me (not enough to stop eating them though). Le sigh.

But I don't hate my body that much. I've already torn through the blackberries and half of the ginormous tub of wonderful tomatoes. And no worries, I've got big plans for the spinach and brussels sprouts too.

I spent the remainder of my day off yesterday running errands and cleaning to prepare for a Downton Abbey Sleepover Party!!!

We stopped by Reston Town Center to pick Joey up for Downton Abbey Time!

(But not before picking up some cardamom & spicy chocolate gelato <3)

Nothing hits the spot quite like gelato in the middle of winter. 

That's just how I roll. Try to keep up.


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