Pizza Party!

When you've spent your entire day wading through a sea of pink and red sprinkles, sometimes the right thing to do is throw an impromptu Naan pizza making party.

This was honestly the easiest thing ever - I got some Naan (3 different varieties) and everyone brought toppings to share and we threw together some amazing combinations of pizza! It was so easy and lots of fun and who doesn't love pizza??

Susie won (at least in my opinion - sorry guys!) with her garlic oil, caramelized onions, chicken sausage, goat cheese, and apple combination. So different and delicious!

But we had an awesome time trying all different kinds of combinations and tasting everyone's pizza!

As nerdy as it may seem, I really recommend making little labels for each of the ingredients you have, it makes it a lot easier when you have people, spoons, egos, hunger and impatience involved. :)

Some of the awesome toppings we were able to pool together: garlic oil, pancetta, broccoli, caramelized onions, goat cheese, chicken sausage, tomato, apple slices, italian sausage, rosemary, and marinated mozzarella balls. It was a pretty awesome spread, if we can toot our own horns for a second.

And, of course, what's dinner without dessert? Lauren brought over some fantastic whoopie pies from Trader Joe's and we also baked off some sugar cookies and had a little DIY sugar cookie decorating party as well.

Oh, and these kids were tinkering with the gas fireplace throughout the evening to try and get it to work. 

Luckily, we're all still alive. Cold, but alive.


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