My Awesome Valentine.

He was sweet. He didn't say much, but he listened to everything I had to say. He was understanding of the long day I had and hung out with me while I took in an episode of Downton Abbey. And if that's not true love, I don't know what is.

He, ladies and gentlemen, is this gorgeous hunk of raspberry and vanilla yogurt strip. Well, and his friend Mr. Brie too. But by the time I was done with dessert (my priorities are straight, after all…) it was time for bed.

A nice and quiet Valentine's Day.

Today, it was back to the grind… I got out of work early and ran with Lauren. Three miles in 30 minutes. It's progress. I have figured out Lauren's secret to running like a champion - Puffins.

Homegirl makes it rather obvious that she's pretty partial to the stuff.


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