Mother Hen

I made a decision last night as I was watching the Grammys.  Well, two decisions: 1. I want big Adele hair, and 2. I want to raise chickens. I have no idea what the events leading up to the latter decision were, and quite frankly, I don't really want to know how my mind works. It just does.

Dreaming up these plans kept me pretty occupied during the commercial breaks - I have decided on several varieties, started researching what chickens need, and sketched out ideas for the greatest chicken coop the world has ever seen. I've also named my future chickens - Molly, George, and Duckie (who will for sure have identity issues).

I have yet to determine if keeping chickens in the backyard is HOA approved… and I'm not saying I'm getting these feathery friends tomorrow… I'm just saying, I've got the idea in my head and I'm going to need to have chickens at some point in my life.

Some of the varieties I'm obsessed with: The Welsummer, Silver Laced Wyandotte (the gorgeous bird you see above), Golden Laced Wyandotte, Golden Comet, White Plymouth Rock, Easter Egger, and Light Brahma. OMG. I'm going to need more than three chickens. :/

You may think I'm crazy (I would agree with you), but from what I'm reading, chickens make great pets… they also eat slugs. :)

… and now I'm following a handful of chicken blogs. Great.

It's over, my mind is set. I'm seeing visions of chickens, composting, and coop-mansions. I'm a lost cause, go on without me, modern world. :/


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