Ladies Who Brunch

Today was an inventory day meaning I had all morning and afternoon to partake in weekend activities, so naturally I seized the opportunity and suggested a ladies brunch - at Florida Avenue Grill, of course.

I woke up bright and early this morning and scooped up Yer Bear and we were off to Florida Avenue to meet up with these lovely ladies for some serious grub…

We ordered to ensure we had all of our bases covered - hotcakes, biscuits, every kind of meat they had available, eggs, grits, and miscellaneous carbohydrates you've never even dreamed possible… all topped off with a giant cup of super sugary sweet tea and lemonade… and it was all so glorious.

That's right, we butter our biscuits. We are a fearless bunch.

Yerin and the awesome hotcakes they have, which they smother (and I mean smother) in butter, then top off with powered sugar and cinnamon. Only to be topped off (by us) with maple syrup since we're a serious brunching bunch and maple syrup is the right answer to everything.

I'm especially disgusting since I'm fairly certain I was the only one inducted into the Clean Plate Club today. Quitters. All of them.

After we scraped together what little shred of dignity we had left (this really only applies to me), we went to check out Liz's new casa, which is super adorable. My heart skipped a beat when she said exposed brick. It never fails. Exposed brick gets me every time.

We succumbed to food coma for a bit, let it wash over us like a blanket of warm, buttery, ooey, gooey shame… and some of us passed out (Yerin) - clutching, with a death-grip, a food magazine with fried chicken on the cover, nevertheless.

Next thing you know, I'm headed off to work for the evening. Luckily, work went rather smoothly and I'm finally where I've wanted to be since about 2 PM this afternoon - in bed and finally able to nurse this food baby with some good old fashioned bed rest. This food baby's pretty serious, so I'm probably going to have to sleep in tomorrow.

Luckily, my weekend starts tomorrow so I'll be spending the rest of my waking hours browsing today's edition of the Post (working a little backwards here) for some fun things to do with the aunt tomorrow and on Tuesday. 

Happy Monday! :)


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