Happy Birthday Susie!

Tonight, we headed out to Comet Ping Pong in DC to celebrate Susie's birthday!  It was supposed to be a surprise, but Susie somehow finds a way to figure out these things ahead of time… she's a sharp one.

The pizza was great - I'm actually nibbling on a slice as I write this (yes, I'm partaking in fourth meal tonight… blogging can work up quite the appetite) - but the wings, oh my goodness.  They were especially fantabulous!

Jes and I both got the Time-Out pizzas - local sausage, parsley, onions, potato, garlic and gorgonzola.  YUM. <3

And sadly this is the only photo I got with those darling wings.  They're rubbed in this delicious spice of awesomeness, not the super saucy wings I'm accustomed to - but hey, I'm not complaining.  These were WAY better.

During dinner, I (of course) was talking about the blog and basically held Luke at gunpoint and forced him to add it to his favorites.

Doesn't he look so happy to be a part of this club of awesomeness??

Dinner flew by way too fast, but I'm told that happens when you're having fun.

Uh, and what's up with this cold front/snow we're getting this weekend??

  Susie and I are totally prepared.  Bring it on.

Happy Birthday Susie! <3


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