brain dead

I'm pretty nervous about my day off tomorrow, I've got lots to do and because of my tendency to procrastinate (read: avoid all together), I figure I'll save for tomorrow what I can do, well tomorrow.

Tonight, I came home from the gym and crafted a gorgeous sandwich.

I had to because I was conflicted about my feelings towards an older woman who asked me to use the treadmill I was on, so I calmed my feelings with a sandwich.  (What Would Liz Lemon do?)

Let me set the scene: I'm running on the treadmill, headphones in, jamming out, hitting my stride, etc etc.  I make my quota, so I slow it down a bit.  Older woman enters and hops on treadmill next to me.  She taps my shoulder and this is when I notice her and pull my headphones out.  She asks me if she can use my treadmill since she doesn't know how to work the one she's currently on.  I imagine myself scratching my head, because it would be considered rude to do so in real life… but how hard is it to work a treadmill…?  Of course, I say, "oh yeah, sure, let me wipe it down for you."  And hop off.

Then, after being forced to tangle myself into a strange weight lifting contraption thing (instead of my usual strictly cardio gym time), I thought to myself, "hmmm, maybe I was just taken advantage of."

So, I left.  And I made a sandwich.

And any good sandwich maker will tell you all great sandwiches start with a great foundation.  And I'm not talking about the bread.  We're talking mayo people.  MAYO AND CRACKED PEPPER BASE, SON!

Then, with all of my pent up confusion over the Treadmill Incident, I just assembled and assembled until I realized my sandwich was as tall as a really tall and awesome sandwich.  (I really just stopped because I was hungry and sandwich assembly honestly takes far too long when you're hungry.)

So, the only thing left for me to do tonight is to eat this sandwich and watch a LOT of Felicity on Netflix.

The treadmill lady can suck it.  I've got a baller sandwich and a Ben-filled evening.  All she's got is… my treadmill… my sweet, sweet treadmill… :/


Joann said…
alright, here we go - from the top:
seeded rye bread top hat
pepperjack cheese - ww 1 pt-er (holla)
baby spinach
slow roasted cherry tomatoes
hot peppers from Potbelly's
thinly sliced red onions
cracked pepper
seeded rye bread based.

OMG. I'm going to go make another one right NAW.

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