The New Crouton

I've never liked croutons, they scrape up the roof of my mouth and make my brain shake from being so crunchy.  I know, most people don't understand this since 99.9% of the WORLD loves croutons.  But I don't understand why croutons are so popular, so I guess we'll just agree to disagree.

I may have discovered a compromise today - Jules brought me a bunch of green tomatoes - LOVE that girl.

And since the fridge was looking especially skinny today, I scrounged around for a few things and ended up with a brilliant idea - Fried Green Tomato Croutons.  WHAT!?!?! I know, brilliant.

Only… it was kind of a pain to cover each little cube of tomato in the cornmeal… I could have just as easily made a giant slice and cut it up, but I decided that it's worth the trouble after eating it. (It's all about the tomato:fried ratio… duh.)

So, how to…

1.  Find an awesome boss that brings you homegrown green tomatoes.
2.  Cut up a green tomato into little cubes.
3.  Mix together cornmeal, salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
4.  Dredge each cube of tomato in the cornmeal mixture.
5.  Heat up olive oil in pan and cook tomato cubes until golden brown on each side.
6.  Throw over a blend of spinach and arugula.
7.  Fry an egg and add it to the top (since you've already got the pan out, why not?).
8.  Add other stuff to it if you feel like it - I added some chickpeas.

A quick dinner that didn't even need dressing!  I love how the warm fried green tomatoes wilts the spinach and arugula a bit.  YUM.  And, as always, you could add bacon too.  :)


Kristen said…
Leave croutons alone. They are awesome. Especially from Outback. Or straight out of the bag when you need a crunchy salty fix.

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