FaceTime Bust. :/

Like any other human being, I adapt to my surroundings relatively easily… that being said, the only time I ever glimpse at my night stand is to look for my glasses, turn off my alarm, and to hit the light before I pass out at night.  I never really pay attention to what's on the night stand, and I guess that's how things spiraled out of control.

I was hitting up some FaceTime with Liz the other day and she caught a glimpse of the ol' nightstand and basically asked me if I took the movie Signs a little too seriously…

I think I can count 7 vessels containing trace amounts of water.  Mind you, most of these bottles might actually be a biohazard to open… so I think I'm going to just have to scrape it and start over.  Except I have no idea what I would use to drink out of to keep this from happening.

You see, I've got it all covered - drinking glass, plastic bottle, plastic reusable bottle, aluminum bottle, and nalgene… I mean, maybe I should really be drinking out of one of those self-cleaning cat water dishes…

Or maybe I'll leave the bottles exactly where they are!  That way, I'll be prepared when the hydrophobic aliens come and attack and y'all with your judgement and tidy night stands will wish you would have paid as much attention to Signs as I did.


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