Punching Irene In The Face.

I decided to go running today because I thought it'd be pretty cool to be able to say, "pssh, I totally ran through a hurricane, nbd."  And mostly because all we got was heavy rain with an overcast of ominous clouds.  In actuality - no big deal (luckily).

Still. It was pretty ominous (read: dangerous/risky/awesome/super-cool. Basically, I should be your hero right now.).

I was pretty pumped once I got there… I had on the ol' Northface to protect me from gale-force winds and rain and I also got this cool new case for my iPhone that keeps water from getting into it.

Before - dry and happy as a clam.

New waterproof iPhone case - got it on sale at the apple store for $49.99.

Then it really started raining…

As far as hurricane forest homes are concerned, I think it's pretty fancy.

I stayed in it a bit.  I was now realizing that the awesome extreme weatherproof NorthFace I was rocking actually just looks waterproof.  It is not waterproof.  At all.  I was soaking at this point.

I made it.  In retrospect, not a very good time.  But I did it for America.

Oh, and that new waterproof iPhone case I mentioned earlier?  I sell them now.  They're blackberry and droid compatible too (and can also be used to hold snacks or small sandwiches).  A must-have for hurricane runs.


Kristen said…
Ive been looking for a good waterproof cover for my Droid…does it come with said sandwiches already inside??

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