Pork Loin Surprise!

While I was waging war on the vegetable drawer (haha, that rhymes.) I was gifted with two surprise pork loins!  WHAT!?

And since it's been raining/earthquaking/hurricane-ing, I decided it was time to whip out the ol' Le Creuset to make a comforting meal since I can't even trust the ground I walk on anymore.

Since I've never made a pork loin before, I decided to google it.  Always.  Only this time, I happened upon a new feature that has made me fall in love with Google all over again…

I searched "pork loin recipe" and along the side bar, it now lets you select which ingredients you have on hand and it will narrow down your search to include recipes with those ingredients in them!  GAAAAHHHH!! Brilliant!

I ultimately did my own thing, but it was nice to be able to look at some recipes to get an idea of where to begin…

I gathered…

I seared…

I put the pork loins in time out...

I deglazed (and played with my new instagram app)…

I laid the pork loins on their vegetable bed and tucked them away in the oven for an hour...

Fingers crossed that all is going well in that oven right now… but then again, you could throw anything in a Le Creuset and in an hour or so, it's slap your dinner guests good.  I don't know how they do it, but I'm convinced there's magic in the cast iron...


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